
O que Karol Conká nos ensina sobre Personal Branding no BBB?

Professor de inglês e especialista em estratégias de marketing ensina sobre as 10 "golden rules" do "personal marketing"

Karol Conká: (YouTube/Reprodução)

Karol Conká: (YouTube/Reprodução)

Luísa Granato

Luísa Granato

Publicado em 3 de fevereiro de 2021 às 09h55.

Última atualização em 7 de fevereiro de 2021 às 10h12.

Até quem não está acompanhando o Big Brother Brasil 21 já ouviu falar que a participação de Karol Conká tem chamado muita atenção - negativamente!

A artista é conhecida por manter uma postura pública de aceitação às diferenças, empatia e empoderamento, mas muitas pessoas ficaram surpresas com suas declarações dentro da casa e com a maneira como ela tem se mostrado diferente do que aparenta ser do lado de fora.

Ela está passando por uma crise de imagem e já perdeu uma boa parcela do público que a admirava, porque não conseguiu sustentar a sua marca pessoal - ou personal branding - durante a sua estadia no BBB.

A falta de coerência foi o que mais a prejudicou, mas outros motivos também explicam esta crise, e o artigo abaixo, retirado da Forbes, traz 10 regras importantes que podem ter sido negligenciadas pela artista.

Faça o exercício abaixo para praticar o seu inglês e veja como você também pode trabalhar para garantir um excelente personal branding.

As dicas são avançadas e fogem do básico que já conhecemos (como fazer networking, estabelecer suas prioridades, ter presença digital, etc), mas com certeza são reflexões úteis e essenciais para todo profissional.


Practice vocabulary by matching the words to their corresponding definitions.

1. Disingenuous(   ) a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act
2. Copycat(   ) cause (a train or tram) to leave its tracks accidentally
3. Perpretator(   ) not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does
4. To ensure(   ) indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events
5. Gravitas(   ) a person who copies another's behaviour, dress, or ideas
6. To derail(   ) dignity, seriousness, or solemnity of manner
7. To reminisce(   ) make certain that (something) will occur or be the case
8. Grasp(   ) (of a person) move by jumping on one foot
9. To hop(   ) a person's power or capacity to attain something
10. To garner(   ) gather or collect (something, especially information or approval)


Read the text and try to match the rules below to their corresponding paragraphs.

  • Live your brand
  • Be genuine
  • Be consistent
  • Be ready to fail
  • Have a focus
  • Tell a story
  • Let other people tell your story
  • Create a positive impact
  • Follow a successful example
  • Leave a legacy

10 Golden Rules Of Personal Branding

1. _____

“Too many people are unfocused when it comes to press and coverage, trying to be "everything to everyone." Decide what your key message is and stick to it,” says Cooper Harris, founder and CEO of Klickly. Keeping your message focused for your target demographic will make it that much easier to both create content around your personal brand and have others define you.

In fact, Juan Felipe Campos, VP of tech and partner at Manos Accelerator, goes one step further: “Keep your message and content consistent to one niche topic to become memorable within a targeted community.” The narrower and more focused your brand is, the easier it is for people to remember who you are.


There’s an easy way to have an original personal brand—and that is to be genuine and authentic. Millennial influencer and head of marketing at Popular Demand, Monica Lin, says: “People can see right through a disingenuous act.” The more obviously a brand is a copycat, the more the audience will call out the perpetrator for it.

"Be genuine. It will make it much easier to manage your personal brand on a daily basis," explained William Harris, Facebook ads expert at Elumynt. Your personal brand should be an easy daily filter that you create content and reach out to your audience with.


If your personal brand isn’t telling a story, you’ve already lost half of your potential audience. Allen Gannett, chief strategy officer at Skyword and author of The Creative Curve explains it best: “The most effective personal branding strategy these days is to build a true narrative - single character monologues are boring in Tinseltown, and even more boring for your personal brand.” No one wants to hear you shout about your brand into the social media void, so create a story around your brand that your audience can engage with. Allen regularly meets and chats with his audience in airports around the world, further developing his warm and friendly personal brand.


Being consistent is very similar to having a narrow focus—it’s much easier to get recognized for one topic if you consistently create content and brand voice around it. “Ensure that your personal brand promise stays consistent, both online and offline,” explains Fyiona Yong, director and millennial leadership coach (ICF ACC). “You have to demonstrate consistency across your communication, gravitas, and appearance. Don’t underestimate how tiny inconsistencies can derail personal brand effectiveness.”


Failure is tough, and all of us generally want to avoid it - that’s human nature. However, to have a personal brand that rises above the rest, you need to have a failure. Walt Disney spoke of this often when he reminisced about his failed first attempts at creating an animation brand. “I think it’s important to have a good hard failure when you’re young. I learned a lot out of that. Because it makes you kind of aware of what can happen to you. ” And what can happen is never as frightening as not trying at all.


After you’ve developed your personal brand over a period of time, there are generally two ways to continue to build your brand - hop over others and burn bridges or steadily grow a community around your brand. Jacob Shwirtz, head of social partnerships at WeWork, gives us this wisdom: “My quick tip on personal branding is to remember you are your brand, no matter what your current job is, what project you happen to be working on at any one time or whatever the priority happens to be today... always keep in mind the impact you leave on others and remember all we have is our own reputation and that's our brand , so be awesome to each other!”


“People interested in personal branding need to start marketing themselves like the celebrities and influential people that they look up to every day,“ explains Jason Wong, CEO of Wonghaus Ventures. His own personal brand has gone viral several times, over subjects like ice cream in Japan, inflatable pool toys and memes, earning him the title of the “Meme King.” His success often comes from studying trends and popular individuals on different social media platforms and then implementing them with a twist. Creatively dissecting social analytics and establishing the next big trend can be within your grasp too, if you pay attention across all social media platforms and not simply focus narrowly on one of them.


As mentioned before, one of the ways you can make building a personal brand difficult on yourself is to separate your brand from your personal life. While certainly doable, it’s easier when initially creating a personal brand to have your actual lifestyle and brand be one and the same.

Tim Salau, community builder and founder of Mentors & Mentees, believes in this idea as well. “Your personal brand should follow you everywhere you go. It needs to be an authentic manifestation of who you are and amplify what you believe.”


The best PR is by word of mouth. Creating a personal brand in the public sphere is no exception to this rule. Aaron Orendorff, editor in chief at Shopify Plus, states: "Personal branding is the story people tell about you when you're not in the room." Jessie Maltin, co-host of Maltin On Movies, also states: “All you have in your life is your name and the reputation you garner.”


Once you’ve built your personal brand with a reputation and community behind it, the next step is to think about the legacy that you’ll leave behind. What are the keywords and actions that you want to be known for? Blake Jamieson, artist at Blake Jamieson LLC, reminds us that: “Building a personal brand is much bigger than building a business. The only exit strategy is legacy.”

A personal brand is a lifelong project that constantly evolves and changes. Even the experts who build or enhance the biggest brands in the business know that there are no hard-set rules for creating a personal brand.



3 - 6 - 1 - 7 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 9 - 8 - 10


  1. Have a focus
  2. Be genuine
  3. Tell a story
  4. Be consistent
  5. Be ready to fail
  6. Create a positive impact
  7. Follow a successful example
  8. Live your brand
  9. Let other people tell your story
  10. Leave a legacy


Michel Rosas é formado em Publicidade e Propaganda pela Universidade de São Paulo, coordenador de marketing e comunicação na Companhia de Idiomas e professor de inglês há 13 anos. É especialista em estratégias de engajamento e nutrição pela Northwestern University e estratégias de marketing de conteúdo pela Universidade da Califórnia, assim como vários cursos de análise estratégica e utilização de ferramentas de marketing digital. Também é colunista de inglês na

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