
Descubra como o Google treina seus novos gerentes - e pratique seu inglês

Como falar inglês é muito importante para gestores do Google, tente fazer a atividade proposta pelo professor de inglês

Google: (Aly Song/Reuters)

Google: (Aly Song/Reuters)


Da Redação

Publicado em 5 de junho de 2019 às 12h00.

Última atualização em 5 de junho de 2019 às 12h00.

A transição de um colaborador para o nível de gerência nem sempre é fácil. Muitas vezes o colaborador é ótimo desempenhando um papel, mas não tem as habilidades necessárias para gerenciar uma equipe e lidar com todos os novos desafios que vêm junto com a gerência.

Por isso, o Google passou alguns anos analisando mais de 10.000 impressões sobre gerentes e concluiu quais são as habilidades essenciais para esse cargo.

E mais do que isso: disponibilizou o treinamento interno de novos gerentes, com apresentações de slides, anotações de apresentador e student book para todos que queiram conhecer o que é essencial para qualquer gerente, em qualquer empresa (clique aqui para acessar o site).

E como falar inglês também é muito importante para gestores não-nativos, vamos praticar o seu conhecimento com o texto abaixo. Veja quais são as 6 habilidades essenciais e encaixe-as nos parágrafos correspondentes.


1. ???

Implementing research from Dr. Carol Dweck, Google encourages its managers to develop a growth mindset. As opposed to a fixed mindset (the belief that skills and abilities are predetermined), individuals with a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be cultivated. This simple idea develops leaders who are more eager to learn, challenge themselves, and experiment, and it eventually boosts their performance. Also, Google encourages its managers to identify values and leverage them within their management styles. Managers have to make tough decisions. When faced with uncertainty, values can be a manager's saving grace.

2. ???

Per Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis (experts on the topic), it's is the ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and leverage this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships. Managers who are self-aware make better decisions, communicate more effectively, and are more relatable.

3. ???

All right, so this one doesn't seem like an attribute. However, if you take a look at Google's new manager training facilitator's guide, you'll notice some common themes. As instructors encourage new supervisors to share their transition challenges and frustrations with their peers, they simultaneously teach that it's OK to be vulnerable and honest. As managers open up and tell their stories, others chime in with advice and guidance providing actionable new strategies. It's important for all managers to know that you're not in this alone. Others have faced similar challenges and can help -- if you let them.

4. ???

Through the study it was revealed that the number one quality of effective managers is being a good coach. Google defines good coaching as:

  • Timely and specific feedback
  • Delivering hard feedback in a motivational and thoughtful way
  • Tailoring approaches to meet individual communication styles in regular one-on-one meetings
  • Practicing empathetic "active" listening and being fully present
  • Being cognizant of your own mindset and that of the employee
  • Asking open-ended questions to discover an employee's acumen

5. ???

Managers' words have the power to build or destroy. Google understands this sensitivity and teaches its supervisors to be consistent (free from bias) when delivering feedback across their teams, to balance positive (motivational) and negative (developmental) feedback, to be authentic and appreciative, and to state growth opportunities in a clear, compassionate way.

6. ???

To ensure judgments aren't made in a vacuum, Google has established a routine to help managers make better decisions. This framework includes asking and articulating:

  • What are you solving for, and is everyone on the same page? (Identify and communicate the root cause.)
  • Why is it important? (Does it support other business goals?)
  • Who is the decision maker?
  • How will the decision be made?
  • When can people expect a decision? (Keep stakeholders in the loop, and manage expectations.)

Also, to ensure informed decisions are made, Google encourages managers to test their ideas out loud and collect feedback by explicitly advocating for their opinions (voicing individual views, reasoning, and providing data), testing their understanding by inquiring about others' perspectives (soliciting ideas and feedback), and then synthesizing the responses to ensure a comprehensive understanding before making a decision.


1. Mindset and values

2. Emotional intelligence (EI)

3. Manager transition

4. Coaching

5. Feedback

6. Decision making

Leia o texto completo clicando aqui.

Michel Rosas é professor de inglês e gerente de marketing na Companhia de Idiomas.

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